Friday, October 16, 2009

At first it seemed like a good idea... Really it did...

Dave and I have been teaching David (my fourteen year old brother) how to cook, mostly simple things. We are eventually working our way up to more difficult and intricate items but we were starting small, like omelets.... He was a fast learner and flipped the egg onto itself perfectly, he was a natural and we were proud... But then he gained too much confidence and that is when he went too far! He decided he was ready to branch off from simple omelets, he wanted something better... And that is when it happened... The 'Ch-Omlete'

I don't really know what his thought process was, it might have gone something like this
'I like cheese and I like omelets... I also like Cheetos. Cheetos are cheesy and omelets need cheese...'

Yes... he made an omelet filled with Cheetos, he called it the Ch-Omelet

He said it was good and ate it all...

After all is said and done I am glad we taught him how to cook (I just wish I hadn't been around to watch him eat it...)


Unknown said...

That is sooo gross! But so him. Love it!

Chantel said...

Haha, he's so funny! Good work teaching him to cook. Maybe he'll become a chef.

We're having David over tonight, if he offers to make breakfast I think I'll have to refuse the offer... however, we dont have cheetos.

Here Dwells Happiness said...

Eck - looks a bit on the yucky side, but when you're 14 your stomach doesn't care. WTG David for creating something unique.

Helena said...


Fox and Amy said...

Umm...ew. Sounds like something Dave would have made at age 14. Oh never mind. Dave only ate lettuce and ramen. Teenagers!