Thursday, July 30, 2009

Day at The Museum

Dave and I took David to the dinosaur museum at Thanksgiving Point yesterday. Dave and I have been re-watching the Jurassic Park movies and I felt like going and seeing some real dinosaurs! David has never been to that museum before, so we thought it would be fun to take him along. Turns out I was right and we had a blast!

Dave not getting the whole 'raptors are not friends' thing

The incredibly large sea turtle

If only he had looked behind him, he might still be here today...
A fun fact it that teeth they found from this thing were 7 inches long!

They look so casual for having a T-rex fight in the background

These sea creatures sure seem irritable

Dave and his new friend

for those of you who weren't sure David is fine and wasn't really attacked by the shark replica


Dave said...

Whoa...I don't remember any of that.

Dave said...

Okay, I do now.